I have store not connected to any server. The store is attached to grid and i add records to it in various places in my app. Is is possible not to allow to add records that already exists? I am using idProperty but it is not working (propably because store is not connected to server?). I already got something like this:
extend: 'Ext.data.Store',
model: 'GSIP_PLANY.grid.model.ParcelModel',
add:function(store, records, index, eOpts) {
for (var i in records) {
var idx = store.findExact('name', records[i].get('name'));
if ( idx != -1 && idx < index) {
The above code checks if there is similar record that was inserted earlier and if yes, it removes the new record. The problem is i also have remove event handlers attached to store, which are fired in above code, causing removal of record (based on its name) in other places of my app. I simply want not to store records that already exists. Something like beforeadd event would be great but there is no such event.
And my model definition:
Ext.define('GSIP_PLANY.grid.model.ParcelModel',{ extend: 'Ext.data.Model', fields: ['id', 'name', 'tract', 'mapSheet', 'district', 'buildingNumber', 'streets', 'place'], idProperty:'name' });
The idProperty is not working as i can add as many records with same name as i want. Any ideas?