# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

def puzzle(rows, cols):
    if rows == 0:
        return [[]]
        return new_queen(rows - 1, cols, puzzle(rows - 1, cols))

def new_queen(new_row, cols, plsd_queens):
    new_solutions = []
    for solution in plsd_queens:
        for new_col in range(cols):
            if test(new_row, new_col, solution):
                new_solutions.append(solution + [new_col])
    return new_solutions

def test(new_row, new_col, solution):
    for row in range(new_row):
        if solution[row] == new_col or solution[row] + row == new_col + new_row or\
                                solution[row] - row == new_col - new_row:
            return False
    return True

Hello all! How can I find the unique solutions of this recursive algorithm of N-queens puzzle? It finds only all solutions: on board 8x8 it will be 92 solutions, but unique is only 12 (the other solutions are translations and mirrored from this 12)

Take the set of all solutions and compare two solutions for uniqueness.Micha Wiedenmann
Why not deal with uniqueness after taking all the solutions?Czar Pino
@czarpino, interesting, and how can I do this?Max L
@amink, nothing. And I don't know how to solve this puzzle for unique solutionsMax L
do you understand my example for array A?amin k

1 Answers


I think these is usefull: link1 link2

For Best result you should design your algorithm by dynomic-programing and can find it in: google Stackoverflow

you set an array a[n][count] and save state i in a[..][i]. this is sample for item first by n=8 :

a = {5,1,8,4,2,7,3,6}{1} , .....

Note: each solution can changed to 8 state by symmetry and rotation.So for each result you symmetry and rotation their solution to check is that save in your array or not?