My question is essentially a follow up or clarification to this question.
I have an Android app built using Javascript and Adobe's Phonegap Build service, and I'm using "local storage" to store data on the device.
From that other question, I learned that data stored in local storage is essentially "permanent", in that it will stay on the device indefinitely, unless the user acts on it by manually clearing the cache for the app or deletes the app (and maybe other unusual circumstances that I'm willing to live with).
However, part of the accepted answer was confusing to me in that it started to blur the lines between talking about the phone's browser and talking about a Phonegap app.
What is unclear to me is if an app on Android using Phonegap uses the same cache as the phone's built in browser. Is Phonegap essentially an extension of the existing browser facility, or is it it's own separate stand-alone and self contained browser?
Critically, if a user clears the cache in their browser, will that impact an installed app based on Phonegap?