According to the ClojureDocs entry for line-seq ( and the accepted answer for the Stack question (In Clojure 1.3, How to read and write a file), line-seq should return a lazy seq when passed a
However when I test this in the REPL, the type is listed as clojure.lang.Cons. See the code below:
=> (ns stack-question
(:require [ :as io]))
=> (type (line-seq (io/reader "test-file.txt")))
=> (type (lazy-seq (line-seq (io/reader "test-file.txt"))))
Wrapping up the line-seq call in a lazy-seq call gives a lazy seq, but according to the docs, this shouldn't be necessary: line-seq should return a lazy seq anyway.
Note: Inside the REPL (I'm using nrepl) it seems that lazy seqs get fully realized, so I thought perhaps it was just a quirk of the REPL; however the same problem exists when I test it with Speclj. Plus, I don't think realizing a lazy seq has to do with what is going on anyway.
EDIT: So I went to check the source code after mobyte's answer said there is a lazy seq in the tail of the cons...
1 (defn line-seq
2 "Returns the lines of text from rdr as a lazy sequence of strings.
3 rdr must implement"
4 {:added "1.0"}
5 [^ rdr]
6 (when-let [line (.readLine rdr)]
7 (cons line (lazy-seq (line-seq rdr)))))
That call to cons would explain why the type of the return value of line-seq is clojure.lang.Cons.