As I am creating a web application that will be used in research on patients in the health domain, I want all my users to be completely anonymous. Can I in a simple way get rid of the email and email_canonical fields without rewriting stuff in the bundle itself, for instance by doing something to my User Class in my own bundle?
EDIT: I did this:
* @ORM\Column(nullable=true)
protected $email;
* @ORM\Column(nullable=true)
protected $emailCanonical;
In my User entity class. Bu twhen I do php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force i get
Duplicate definition of column 'email' on entity 'Pan100\MoodLogBundle\Enti
ty\User' in a field or discriminator column mapping.
EDIT 2: Forgot to say this is done in a class extending the FOUserBundle's model class User as BaseUser...