I am trying to make something like - lets call it flight simulator using modern OpenGL. I am trying to use yaw, pitch and roll to rotate my plane object. But it seems object rotates around global coordinate system (I mean if my object faces vector (0,0,1) roll operation works like it should but if i turn it to face for example (1,0,0) it behaves like pitch)
my transformation matrix is calculated like this:
transformation_matrix = perspective_projection_matrix *
camera_rotation_matrix *
camera_translation_matrix *
translation_matrix *
rotation_matrix *
Rotation matrix is
rotation_matrix = rotation_z * rotation_y * rotation_x;
I tried to add local rotation matrix before translation one but it looks even worse (object now flies around some point in space facing always default)
What should I do to rotate object like typical plane with yaw, pitch and roll in local coordinates system?
I also noticed that rotation is performed in global coordinate system with camera position as (0,0,0)
Not the case, my bad