We have a group of products that we want to have FREE Shipping. In order to do so, I have made their weight =0 and created a weight based shipping for 0lbs.
That way the shipping passes through the cart. But...I would like to display the actual weight on the product page.
I have created a metafield for the shipping weight, and I am trying to call that value to the product page, but not having any luck......
Here is what I am trying for code....
//------SHIPPING WEIGHT-------------------------//
{% if product.vendor == 'American Chains' %}
// {{ variant.metafields.ShippingWeight.shipping_weight }}
{% else %}
$('.wt').text(parseInt(variant.weight * 0.0022046, 10) + 'lb');
{% endif %}
//------SHIPPING WEIGHT-------------------------//
Thanks for any help or direction on this one.