
In my project, I use datatable with <p:column selectionMode="multiple" /> so that the entries can be multiple selected using the checkboxes.

However, when the user click on a row, all previous selection is unselected and only that row is selected. This behaviour is unexpected and annoying. I would like to disable the behaviour of rowSelect and rowUnselect on row clicking, but seems I had no way to do but hacking the source of datatable.js.

Does anyone implement this before? Thanks for answering.


primefaces 3.5

mojarra 2.1.6


Provide your code. So that we can find the error or logical mistake in that.Sathesh S
Here his code is not important as the same issue is happening in the showcase itself. It seems to be only with the checkbox and not with radio button. I also want to get the same behaviour the OP mentioned. Anybody has solved that?Xtreme Biker

2 Answers


According to this feature request, this feature is now supported in Primefaces versions 5.0.3 & 5.1 by simply adding rowSelectMode="checkbox" to the datatable.

Documentation reference (PF 5.1):

Use rowSelectMode option to customize the default behavior on row click of a multiple selection enabled datatable. Default value is "new" that clears previous selections, "add" mode keeps previous selections same as selecting a row with mouse click when metakey is on and "checkbox" mode allows row selection with checkboxes only.


Put this in your page, might help stopping selection when you click a row.

    function() {
        $("tr td").click(function(event) {
            if (!$(this).find("div").hasClass("ui-chkbox") 
                  || $(this).find("div").find("div").hasClass("ui-state-disabled")
                  || this == event.target) {

The last condition (this == event.target) is needed when clicking the checkbox column itself outside of the checkbox.