
Code is a little modified version of webgl interactive draggable cubes

5 meshes is created with new THREE.Mesh (red) and 5 with new THREE.SceneUtils.createMultiMaterialObject (blue)

[sorry, example deleted]

Please try to drag them, red and blue cubes moves differently.

Red cube moving is related to the mouse (screen) if I drag one cube to the left, cube moves to the left. Blue cube moving is related to the ??rotated coordinate system (or camera rotation)?? , if i drag one cube to the left, cube can move up or down and faster than mouse.

I assume it is because createMultiMaterialObject is a group of THREE.Mesh with the same geometry and different materials. Anyway I can't see a reason. Why they move differently?

How to make red and blue cubes behave equally onDocumentMouseMove?


1 Answers


You really need to explain the "move differently" part. Both in Firefox and Chrome I see them rotating, translating and scaling as expected.