I am trying to migrate my data from sybase to monetdb.(or opposite) for this I am using bcp out from sybase and copy into in monetdb.
The problem is some of the data types are not available in monetdb for example datatime. To solve this problem I can define a function in monetdb which coneverts datetime format to monetdb specific format.
But How to call this function on specific column when I am trying bulkcopy command
COPY INTO TABLE from file using delimiters;
Same situation for bcp in sybase
EDIT 2: (I guess I solved my problem although original question still remains) I wanted to bulk copy data from a csv file in both monetdb and sybase. The csv file had one column with unix timestamps (seconds from 1970). As it is difficult to query using unix time stamp compared to human readable date time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) format, I wanted to convert that timestamp column to date time format).
I could not change the datatype at time of bulk copy but defined(used) functions to translate timestamp in human readable format.
--For Sybase used dateadd function : select * from gaurav.table where dateadd(ss,t_stamp,'1/1/1970') '2013-02-27 (less than sign) 10:17:29.463114';
--For Monetdb defined a function : create function "epoch"(sec INT) returns TIMESTAMP external name timestamp."epoch"; select * from gaurav.table where epoch(t_stamp) (less than sign) '2013-02-27 10:17:29.463114';