I want to use Mvvmcross to make application for several platforms.
I use Profile 104 for PCL library like Mvvmcross, but this profile target .NET 4.5. I want to target .NET 4.0 to use my application on Windows XP.
To do that, I add the xml files
MonoAndroid, Version = v1.6 +. Xml
VSMonoTouch, Version = v1.0 +. Xml
in the profile 143 which allows me to target. NET framework 4.0.3.
However, I have a compilation error because it can not find the ICommand interface. This interface is not in the same library between version 4.0 and 4.5, is it why it doesn't work ? Or should I recompile all Mvvmcross libraries with profile 143?