My app generates PDFs for user consumption. The "Content-Disposition" http header is set as mentioned here. This is set to "inline; filename=foo.pdf", which should be enough for Acrobat to give "foo.pdf" as the filename when saving the pdf.
However, upon clicking the "Save" button in the browser-embedded Acrobat, the default name to save is not that filename but instead the URL with slashes changed to underscores. Huge and ugly. Is there a way to affect this default filename in Adobe?
There IS a query string in the URLs, and this is non-negotiable. This may be significant, but adding a "&foo=/title.pdf" to the end of the URL doesn't affect the default filename.
Update 2: I've tried both
content-disposition inline; filename=foo.pdf
Content-Type application/pdf; filename=foo.pdf
content-disposition inline; filename=foo.pdf
Content-Type application/pdf; name=foo.pdf
(as verified through Firebug) Sadly, neither worked.
A sample url is
which translates to a default Acrobat save as filename of
Update 3: Julian Reschke brings actual insight and rigor to this case. Please upvote his answer. This seems to be broken in FF ( and IE but work in Opera, Safari, and Chrome.