
I need explanation for data frame, sum, and mean commands If the code below is operated, I can get list of data files Preplist. Yet, the commands I need explanations for does not work due to some errors.

My guess is that the data I load does not have data frame, but just list of numbers for each data file. To sum or take mean for each data file, I need data frame. (When I check number of rows there is nothing, but NULL).

I think I need to make data frame for loaded data (200x200 matrix), and also first row and column has to ignored in original data.

This is my code:

Prepfiles <- list.files(pattern=".csv")
Preplist <- lapply(Prepfiles, read.table, sep = '\t', 
                  na.string = '', header = TRUE, skip=1)
bigPreplist <- do.call(rbind, Preplist)

I need to do load data at once, and plot data (sum every three data files together, and plot). However, I have trouble to run command sum() and mean() with my Preplist[1:24]

I am using are all numeric in 200 by 200 matrix. There are 24 data files. Also I want to keep 200 by 200 matrix form when I load data, but with my coding, there is are no number of rows if I check with nrow(Preplist[1]) Is it possible to keep same dataframe when you load data in? Or do I have to make new data frame?

Here are errors that I get with sum and mean commands:

> nrow(Preplist)
> sum(Preplist[1])
Error in sum(Preplist[1]) : invalid 'type' (list) of argument
> mean(Preplist[1])
[1] NA
Warning message:
In mean.default(Preplist[1]) :
  argument is not numeric or logical: returning NA
Have you tried subsetting with [[ instead of [?sebastian-c
What do you expect to be contained in Preplist[1]? A column of data? A 200x200 data frame?joran
If I can data as matrix 200 by 200, it is easier, but it can be list. I need to load numbers from data files, and take sum, mean, and plot.user87205

1 Answers


It is useful here to look at the help for [ and [[ (which are the same page)

To quote the relevant section (as prepList is a list)

Recursive (list-like) objects

Indexing by [ is similar to atomic vectors and selects a list of the specified element(s).

Both [[ and $ select a single element of the list. The main difference is that $ does not allow computed indices, whereas [[ does. x$name is equivalent to x[["name", exact = FALSE]]. Also, the partial matching behavior of [[ can be controlled using the exact argument.



selects a list of length 1. The first element of this list would be your data.frame


will select the first element of prepList which is the data.frame you want.

That being said, I'm not sure you really want to be taking the mean or sum of a data.frame, you would want to make sure these returned what you wanted.


prepList <- list(data.frame(a=1:5,b=2:6), data.frame(a=2:6,b=1:5))

# this will give a warning

## a b 
## 3 4 
## Warning message:
## mean(<data.frame>) is deprecated.
## Use colMeans() or sapply(*, mean) instead. 

## this will give a single number


## 35

If you want the column means for each data.frame that is in prepList or sums of each column use colMeans, colSums, or a nested version of lapply with means,

rbindlist(lapply(prepList, function(x) lapply(x, mean)))

##    a b
## 1: 3 4
## 2: 4 3

or using plyr and ldply

 ldply(prepList, function(x) {sapply(x, mean)})

or to limit yourself to numeric columns

using plyr

ldply(prepList,  numcolwise(mean))

using Filter

rbindlist(lapply(prepList, function(x) lapply(Filter(is.numeric,x), mean)))