
MVC Web Application Solution fails to build on the TFS azure (.visualstudio.com) because project has reference to another shared library project. Build Log:

Build started 2/26/2013 12:53:17 AM.
    Project "C:\a\src\Development\[Main Project].sln" on node 1 (default targets).
      Building solution configuration "Debug|Any CPU".
    C:\a\src\Development\[Main Project].sln.metaproj : error MSB3202: The project file "C:\a\src\Development\..\..\[Sub Project Root]\Development\[Sub Project]\[Sub Project].csproj" was not found. 

Any ideas how this could be fixed?

I think this is a build workspace problem. Check that the relative path in your build workspace are the same as in TFS / local machine. This Question is very similarJames Reed
It was indeed workspace folder mapping. By default subfolder was missing and mapping for the Sub Project has to be there as well.Algis
I'll vote to close this question then. If you're feeling generous please upvite my answer on the other question.James Reed
James, can't upvote any answers as my reputation is too low :-) Will do once I'll reach 15!Algis

1 Answers


I suggest you to add your project file .csproj to your source control, deployed on cloud