I have a project in visual studio 2010. This project has the following post-build event command lines:
IF NOT EXIST "$(TargetDir)IceBox" (
XCOPY /E /I /Y "$(SolutionDir)Externals\IceBox" "$(TargetDir)IceBox"
IF NOT EXIST "$(TargetDir)bzip2.dll" (
COPY "$(SolutionDir)Externals\IceBox\bzip2.dll" "$(TargetDir)"
XCOPY /E /I /Y "$(SolutionDir)Externals\Infragistics" "$(TargetDir)"
But this commands are just used when I create a debug or a release. When I publish my project will this commands ignored. Gives it a possibility to use this commands when I publish the project?
Thanks for any help.