Let's say I have a very easy, classic setup: GAE(1.7.4) + GWT(2.5.0) Application, running on local Jetty (Development Server), using JDO for persistence.
Let's also say I have just 2 @PersistenceCapable classes: Person and Color. Every Person has exactly one favourite Color, but it does not mean that this Person owns this Color - many different Persons can have the same favourite Color. There is a limited number of well-known Colors and a Color may exist even if it is not anyone's favourite.
To model this I should use @Unowned relationship - please correct me if I am wrong:
public class Color { // just the most regular Entity class
@Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
private Key key;
String rgb;
// getter, setter, no constructor
public class Person {
@Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
private Key key;
String surname;
@Unowned // here is the tricky part
Color color;
// getters, setters, no constructor
With some simple, well-known, PersistentManager-based code, I am able to successfully create and persist an instance of a Color class. I see it in GAE Development Console -> Datastore Viewer, having nice generated Key and ID/Name of (13), and my assigned RGB.
With very similar code, I am able to create an instance of Person class (in another request), assign a pre-existing Color as his favourite color (it pre-existed, I obtained it by pm.getObjectById()) and persist it. I see it in Datastore Viewer, with my nice generated Key and ID/Name of (15) and my assigned surname, and color_key_OID of (13). This looks very promising.
But then, when I fetch the Person(15) back from the DB (simple pm.getObjectById(), no transactions), it has my assigned surname correctly, but has null instead of Color(13)! Right - the Datastore Viewer gets it ok, but my code does not.
Oh, the problematic code? "Person p = pm.getObjectById(Person.class, key);".
(side notes: I am also having the same problem with @Unowned collections (nice list of values in Datastore Viewer, but null Collection field in my code.) My JDO jars on classpath are "datanucleus-api-jdo-3.1.1.jar" and "jdo-api-3.0.1.jar" so I assume they support @Unowned. There is no problem with not-@Unowned fields. I get no exceptions upon persisting or fetching, just plain nulls as field values.)