I have many classes that implement Schedulable Interface. I want to schdule multiple Apex classes at a time through an another apex class. So I need to query all the classes that are implement Schedulable interface.
I am using the following code snipet to achieve this, but I am getting a compiler error like below
ERROR: "You must select an Apex class that implements the Schedulable interface. at line 127 column 13"
list<ApexClass> listClasses;
String input='0 0 8 13 2 ?';
listClasses=[Select Id, Name,body from ApexClass]
for(ApexClass a:listClasses){
system.schedule(a.Name+' AutoScheduler', input, a);
Question: How do I query all the apex class which implement schedulable interface? So that I can directly pass it to system.schedule() method.
DIFFERENT TRY: When after getting this error I tried to query only one apex class(Known Class) which implements schedulable interface. Again no use. Please see the below snipet for the different try
list<ApexClass> listClasses;
String input='0 0 8 13 2 ?';
//Retriving only one class of Name='SchedularTest'
listClasses=[Select Id, Name,body from ApexClass where Name ='SchedularTest']
for(ApexClass a:listClasses){
system.schedule(a.Name+' AutoScheduler', input, a);
ERROR: "You must select an Apex class that implements the Schedulable interface. at line 127 column 13"
Thanks in advance