Before trying to compile Qt 5.x, you may need to install some libraries (depends of the modules you want to compile) :
- ActivePerl (** needed, as it is used to configure qtsdk)
- Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1
- Microsoft DirectX SDK
- Python
- ...
If you plan to use a library (like Assimp for example) which internally use the same libraries (like zlib), you may have to overwrite these libraries, located in the qtbase\src\3rdparty sub-directories, with their latest versions.
Edit the file configure.bat, located in the qtbase directory, and comment out the line 45 :
::if not exist %QTSRC%\.gitignore goto sconf
Edit the file qmake.conf, located in qtbase\mkspecs\win32-msvc2010 (if you're using Visual Studio 2010) or in qtbase\mkspecs\win32-msvc2012 (if you're using Visual Studio 2012) :
- line 9 :
CONFIG += incremental flat precompile_header autogen_precompile_source debug_and_release debug_and_release_target
- line 23 :
- line 24 :
- line 25 :
Start the Visual Studio command prompt : Start > Programs > Microsoft Visual Studio 20XX > Visual Studio Tools.
Make sure that the path to Perl.exe is in the PATH environment variable : PATH=%PATH%;C:\Perl\bin
(or PATH=%PATH%;C:\Perl64\bin
if compiling for x64).
Go in the qtbase directory : CD \Qt\5.0.1\qtbase
Configure Qt for compiling statically debug and release versions :
configure -developer-build -opensource -confirm-license -platform win32-msvc2010 -mp -nomake examples -nomake tests -static
(if you're using Visual Studio 2010)
configure -developer-build -opensource -confirm-license -platform win32-msvc2012 -mp -nomake examples -nomake tests -static
(if you're using Visual Studio 2012)
OpenGL-opengl desktop
Go back in the parent directory : CD ..
Configure again Qt : configure -developer-build -opensource -confirm-license -platform win32-msvc20
XX-opengl desktop -mp -nomake examples -nomake tests -static
(I'm not sure this step is needed, but as it takes just a few seconds...).
Compile : nmake
Another method for compiling is to use jom and specify the number of CPU cores to use : C:\Qt\jom\jom.exe -j #NUMBER_OF_CORES#
You will find the compiled static libraries in the qtbase\lib folder and the files to include in the sub-directories of qtbase\include.
To use them, you will have to use static run-time libraries (/MT
or /MTd
) in your Visual C++ project.