I've a QMainWwindow
, and I've fixed its size.
i.e. I've set Minimum and maximum size of the window to the same number.
Could anyone tell me whether this will be a problem if I'm to use this in another screen with a different resolution, and if so, how am I to handle it?
Kindly advise, and also if there's another way ( perhaps more elegant) to set the size of the QMainWindow
I have a QMainWindow
with a QTableView
as a widget, amongst others. When I expand the main Window, the tableview does not, and it leaves an ungainly blank space, so I fixed the size.
If I were to make it resizeable, how do I expand the QTableView
widget, alongwith the QMainWindow
. I have a Central Widget, this widget has a vertical box layout, and to this layout I've added the 3 widgets, one with QGridlayout
, one horizontal line, and the other QTableView
. The QTableView, on its own, is not inside a layout.
I'd imagined this would be sufficient to expand the table too, once QMainWindow
were expanded, or reduced, but it doesn't happen.
How do i go about it, i.e., expanding the QTableView
as well?