i've been playing around with CakePHP lately and ran into the following problem:
while using form helper to create views i've been doing the following to output a select
echo $this->Form->input('fee', array(
'empty' => '---',
'options' => array(
i prepared the strings to be ready for i18n so thats why they are declared with __(' ')
Thus, it works perfectly - and its generating the following code :
<div class="input select">
<label for="GameFee">Fee</label>
<select name="data[Game][fee]" id="GameFee">
<option value="">---</option>
<option value="0">Yes</option>
<option value="1">No</option>
Yet cake does - as usually - take the IDs as value. How can i force cake to take the field description as value like
The "fee" field inside the table "games" consist of varchar(100)
Hope you can help :)