I am using jasmine to unit test an angularjs controller that sets a variable on the scope to the result of calling a service method that returns a promise object:
var MyController = function($scope, service) {
$scope.myVar = service.getStuff();
inside the service:
function getStuff() {
return $http.get( 'api/stuff' ).then( function ( httpResult ) {
return httpResult.data;
} );
This works fine in the context of my angularjs application, but does not work in the jasmine unit test. I have confirmed that the "then" callback is executing in the unit test, but the $scope.myVar promise never gets set to the return value of the callback.
My unit test:
describe( 'My Controller', function () {
var scope;
var serviceMock;
var controller;
var httpBackend;
beforeEach( inject( function ( $rootScope, $controller, $httpBackend, $http ) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
httpBackend = $httpBackend;
serviceMock = {
stuffArray: [{
FirstName: "Robby"
getStuff: function () {
return $http.get( 'api/stuff' ).then( function ( httpResult ) {
return httpResult.data;
} );
$httpBackend.whenGET( 'api/stuff' ).respond( serviceMock.stuffArray );
controller = $controller( MyController, {
$scope: scope,
service: serviceMock
} );
} ) );
it( 'should set myVar to the resolved promise value',
function () {
expect( scope.myVar[0].FirstName ).toEqual( "Robby" );
} );
} );
Also, if I change the controller to the following the unit test passes:
var MyController = function($scope, service) {
service.getStuff().then(function(result) {
$scope.myVar = result;
Why is the promise callback result value not being propagated to $scope.myVar in the unit test? See the following jsfiddle for full working code http://jsfiddle.net/s7PGg/5/