I recently walked through the Advanced Orchard tutorial on Pluralsight and it really showed me a lot of things I can do to extend Orchard. That said, I was wondering if there is a way for one module to return a view from another module?
The scenario for this is I'm building custom modules for my clients that have features that would be proprietary so I'd want to protect them with an API key, similar to how oForms works. The only difference from mine to theirs is they allow functionality regardless of activation whereas mine wouldn't work at all so I'd like to have a base module that all of my custom modules derive from and each one could do something like:
if (this.IsActivated())
return View("ViewFromThisModule")
return View("NotActivatedViewFromBaseModule")
The real purpose behind this would be so I don't have to copy the view(s) utilized in the base module to each custom one for things such as whether the module is activated or not.