I have an optimized RequireJS setup using the text plugin. I seem to be running into the '.js' filename being added to my module. I'm looking at this in Firefox 17.
I read this entry, but I am pretty sure all my files are on the same domain. Why is requirejs trying to append a '.js' to .jst template files that are loaded with the !text plugin?
My files are on located on
- dev-img4.x.com/m/j/mains/main-article.js
- dev-img4.x.com/m/j/views/logged_out.js
- dev-img4.x.com/m/j/views/templates/logged_out.html
The text plugin tries to look for dev-img4.x.com/m/j/views/templates/logged_out.html.js, which doesn't make sense to me, since it looks like all my dependencies are on the same domain. I'm not sure how the text plugin thinks there is a cross-domain issue.
baseUrl: 'dev.x.com/m/j',
paths: {
'jquery': 'dev.x.com/m/j/lib/jquery',
'backbone': 'dev.x.com/m/j/lib/backbone',
'underscore': 'dev.x.com/m/j/lib/underscore',
'text': 'dev.x.com/m/j/lib/text'
shim: {
'underscore': {
exports: '_'
'backbone': {
deps: ['jquery', 'underscore'],
exports: 'Backbone'
urlArgs: 'buildlife=1',
waitSeconds: 15
require(['jquery', 'modules/site', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'views/logged_out'], function($, site, _, Backbone, loggedOutView) {
//This function will be called when all the dependencies
//listed above are loaded. Note that this function could
//be called before the page is loaded.
//This callback is optional.
var loggedOutBar = new loggedOutView();
/* Initialize code */
$(document).ready(function() {
/* sitewide code */
define(['module', 'jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'text!views/templates/logged_out.html'], function(module, $, _, Backbone, loggedOutTemplate) {
/* Create a view of the logged out bar */
var loggedOutView = Backbone.View.extend({
className: 'loginbar',
initialize: function() {
template: _.template(loggedOutTemplate),
render: function() {
return this; /* Allow method chaining after render */
return loggedOutView;
<a href="#" class="signin">Sign In</a> | <a href="#" class="signup">Sign Up</a>