
I have a scala project (with a few java files) built using maven (scala-maven-plugin). We have jacoco plugged in for code coverage (jacoco-maven-plugin) and that generates good-ish scala code coverage. We can see the html / csv reports in the typical place in /target and the scala coverage is all there and good.

However we cannot get the code coverage with sonar to work on the scala files. The plugin runs and it sends the java coverage so I know it's picking up something from the jacoco output, but the scala coverage is missing.

In addition if I run the jacoco:check goal as part of the build, it fails on the coverage, again citing only java coverage as the total coverage figure. This leads me to believe the problem is something to do with the way I've configured jacoco not with sonar.

Any help appreciated.

Here are the relevant parts of the pom

           <!-- disable surefire -->
            <!-- enable scalatest -->

Did you ever find a solution?RubberDuck

1 Answers


May be jacoco/sonar check against source folders. In this case you should try to expose the scala source folder to other plugins (via 'add-source' goal):
