There is a website, which will contain a lot of text snippets of exotic languages. They will require several special Unicode characters.
I need a method that guarantees that every special characters are displayed correctly in every main browsers in every main operating systems.
If I use a standard web-safe pattern, like "'Times New Roman', Times, serif;", is it possible that a special character will look different in a different machine?
Edit: I don't actually need to use all of the Unicode characters. A smaller, but widely supported subset with as much special letters as possible will also do it, if they are safe to use.
Edit2: What I want to achive is a method with wich I can specify (and use) as many special characters as possible, wich are rendered correctly in all mainstream browsers and operating systems to prevent a situation when a text in an exotic language is full of question marks, or incorrectly rendered charecters.
, the browser will either display the character with some hard-coded substitute font or will display the Unicode Character 'REPLACEMENT CHARACTER' (U+FFFD) instead. I will not render it incorrectly (unless it's a really crappy browser). – Álvaro González