
I have a report that specifies a 'Go to URL' action for a textbox. The URL I am using is simply a field from the dataset, so the expression for the URL is something like "=Fields!URLLinkText.Value". When I deploy the report to SSRS Report Manager, the link works fine. It is clickable and opens the URL. However, when I link to the report from the custom asp.Net Reporting Application, the link is not clickable. The cursor of the mouse does not even change when I hover over the link. It seems like the hyperlink/Go To property of the textbox is completely removed. At first, I thought that this had to be an issue with the configuration of the reporting app, which was disabling external hyperlinks. However, I created another report with just one textbox with a Go To Action to go to www.CNN.com and it worked on both the Report Manager and the Report Application...

Any suggestions?


2 Answers


I was just posting about a possibly related issue. It does not involve any custom reporting app though. http://weblogs.asp.net/mnissen/archive/2009/03/26/reporting-services-does-not-display-hyperlink-for-placeholder-with-go-to-url-action.aspx

A few different options you can try: wrap the link in javascript, try "servername:port" instead of the site name if its internal, or try reversing the slashes like http backslash backslash...


You will need to handle the Hyperlink clicked event for your reportviewer control:

Assign the handler in your reportviewer constructor

 YourReportViewerControl.Hyperlink += new HyperlinkEventHandler(YourReportViewerControl_Hyperlink);

void YourReportViewerControl_Hyperlink(object sender, HyperlinkEventArgs e)
                e.Cancel = true;
