I have created a new database with two tables to test SQLServer 2008 XML functionality.
If I will succeed in obtaining the desired behaviour I will have to create about 50 tables to then import lots of XML files for a new project.
My test environment has been created this way:
create table Employees(
idEmployeeFeed bigint primary key IDENTITY(1,1),
EmployeeFeed xml
create table GeoCountries(
CountriesFeed xml
I then loaded about 1000 xml files in the Employees table and 1 file in the GeoCountries table. The GeoCountries file contains lat/long centroid coordinates for 249 countries plus the country name and ISO 3 chars country code.
Each of the employee has a country code. I already had an XQuery ready in another product and I have now the need to migrate to SQL Server per client requirement.
Sample data from the two tables obtained with XQuery:
select EmployeeFeed.query('//employee') as employee
from Employees
/* output:
<employee empID="1111" >
<country code="USA" />
<employee empID="2222" >
<country code="ITA" />
select EmployeeFeed.query('//employee/country') as employee
from Employees
/* output:
<country code="USA" />
<country code="ITA" />
select CountriesFeed.query('//country')
from GeoCountries
/* output:
<ISOen_name>United States</ISOen_name>
select CountriesFeed.query('//country/ISO3166A3')
from GeoCountries
/* output:
This is the query that I'm attempting to run:
select EmployeeFeed.query(N'
let $ccc := //country
let $ttt := //employee
for $t in $ttt
empCode="{ $t/@empID }"
countryCode="{ $t/country/@code }"
latit="{ $ccc[ISO3166A3 = $t/country/@code]/latitude/text() }"
longit="{ $ccc[ISO3166A3 = $t/country/@code]/longitude/text() }"
') as GeoEmployees
from Employees
/* output:
<geoEmp empCode="1111" countryCode="USA" latit="" longit="" />
<geoEmp empCode="2222" countryCode="ITA" latit="" longit="" />
As you can see, the country codes + lat/long are pre-loaded in variable $ccc to use it as a lookup table but, being that data in another SQL table (GeoCountries), it cannot be found in the current XQuery context that is tied to SQL table Employees.
Is there a way to run an XQuery accessing XML stored in separate SQL tables ? I will have 100-200 similar situations to manage if I migrate and I need to find an efficient solution for this problem.