I am trying to model a social network with Neo4J. This requires a user can have multiple relationships with another user. When I try to persist these relationships, only one is stored. For example, this is the test unit I do:
public void testFindConnections() {
Id id1 = new Id();
Id id2 = new Id();
id1.connectedTo(id2, "first-rel");
id1.connectedTo(id2, "second-rel");
for (Id im : idService.findAll()) {
System.out.println("-" + im.getId());
if (im.getConnections().size() > 0) {
for (ConnectionType ite : im.getConnections()) {
.println("--" + ite.getId() + " " + ite.getType());
This should output:
--0 first-rel
--1 second-rel
--0 first-rel
--1 second-rel
However, it outputs:
--0 first-rel
--0 first-rel
This is my node entity:
public class Id {
Long nodeId;
@Indexed(unique = false)
String id;
Collection<ConnectionType> connections = new HashSet<ConnectionType>();
And my relationship entity:
@RelationshipEntity(type = "CONNECTED_TO")
public class ConnectionType {
@GraphId Long id;
@StartNode Id fromUser;
@EndNode Id toUser;
String type;
What could the problem be? Is there any other way to model several relationships between nodes?