I have a select2 directive for a multiple select of countries with a custom query to grab the data:
// Directive
<input ng-model="filters.countries" ui-select2="filters.countryOptions"
data-placeholder="Choose a country...">
// filters.countryOptions
multiple: true,
query: function() {
// Formatted data from remote source
{id: 'US', text: 'United States'},
{id: 'CA', text: 'Canada'} ...
I'm trying to set the initially selected values in my controller using:
$scope.filters.countries = [{id: 'US', text: 'United States'}];
This does correctly set the model, however this is happening before the select2 initialization has occurred. As I step through the remaining initialization code the input temporarily displays [Object]
before finally blanking out $scope.filters.countries
and the input, but it does not display the placeholder text in the input.
To get around this I'm using the following to reset the models' initial value:
$scope.$on('$viewContentLoaded', function() {
setTimeout(function() {
$scope.filters.countries = [{id: 'US', text: 'United States'}];
}, 100);
It seems really hackish to be using a setTimeout
. Is there a better way that I'm missing?
Update 1
As requested by ProLoser here is a demo and github ticket.
Demo: http://plnkr.co/edit/DgpGyegQxVm7zH1dZIJZ?p=preview
GitHub Issue: https://github.com/angular-ui/angular-ui/issues/455
Following ProLoser's advice I started using select2's initSelection function:
initSelection : function (element, callback) {
It does the trick but still feels like a workaround.
in select2 (which is specifically what this is designed for) you could just do$scope.filters.countries = 'US'
but the entire init code needs some more thorough testing so we should be sure that what you did is supported too. It could be a problem with not finding a matching reference to the selected object – ProLoser