Is there a way to disable spell check at the IDE level in PHPStorm? I need to individually disable spell check for all my projects right now which is a bit of a pest.
5 Answers
There is no "global" setting for existing projects -- it needs to be done for each project individually (Spell Checker is an inspection and Inspections are configured on per-project level).
You need to disable whole group at Settings/Preferences | Editor | Inspections | Proofreading
(used to be Spelling
You can configure it to be disabled by default for any future new projects at File | New Projects Setup | Settings for New Projects...
(previously was File | Default Settings
Also check suggestion by @Amged -- edit your Color Schema to simply remove any visual effects for misspelt words: Settings/Preferences | Editor | Colors & Fonts | General --> Errors & Warnings | Typo
This way it will affect ALL projects straight away as long you use that Color Schema. It will also allow you to still list all typos if you run Code | Inspect Code...
The possible down-side: spell checker still runs; you will see extra 2 menu entries when right clicking on such words.
You could leave the Spell Checking inspection enabled and just remove the visual effect in the editor by going to Settings | Colors & Fonts | General | Typo and unchecking Effect. This way it will not highlight the typos in the editor but when you manually run the code inspector the typos are listed.