The question that I am trying get get the data for is-
“I want to know when an Opportunity that has been influenced by a Marketing campaign is associated with an Account. There could be several contacts for the Account
So if ANY Contact is associated with a Campaign (Member of a campaign)- Tell me what Account the (or Those) Contact(s) is connected to,
and if there is an Opportunity associated with the account,
and if there is an Opportunity associated with the Account the Opportunity was created after the Contact was associated with the campaign”
I cant figure out the logic. I am new to SQL. ANY help would be greatly appreciated.
I am using SQL Server 2012
I have 5 relevant tables from a SalesForce database –
Account Table (PK ID, OpportunityID), Opportunity Table (PK ID, AccountID ), Contact Table (PK ID, AccountID), Campaign Table (PK ID, ContactID, ParentID), CampaignMember Table (PK ID, ContactID, CampaignID)
This link gives the SalesForce Data Model
This is what I have come up with, but it returns no rows.
SELECT O.CreatedDate OppCreatedDate
,o.Name as OpportunityName
,a.Name AccountName
,c.Name as ContactName
,ca.Name as CampaignName
FROM Opportunity o
INNER JOIN Account a on a.Id = o.AccountID
LEFT JOIN Contact c ON c.AccountId = a.Id
INNER JOIN CampaignMember cm ON cm.CampaignID = c.ID
INNER JOIN Campaign ca ON ca.ID = cm.CampaignID
LEFT JOIN Campaign ca2 ON ca2.ID = ca.ParentID
WHERE o.CreatedDate > cm.CreatedDate
ORDER BY AccountName DESC;
Thank You.