
I am getting a UIColor returned from this method:

- (UIColor *)getUserSelectedColor {   
    return [UIColor colorWithRed:redSlider.value green:greenSlider.value blue:blueSlider.value alpha:1.0];

and getting color like this:

UIColor *selectedColor = [(ColorPickerView *)alertView getUserSelectedColor];

Now I want to get red, green, blue from selectedColor, in order to use those values. I want values between 0 and 1.

A side note; you should look at naming conventions. getColor is bad for two reasons, first it uses the get prefix that is a common mistake for Java-devs, secondly it do not describe what kind of color it is. A better name is probably userSelectedColor. Look at how UIKit name getters, and properties, and follow suit.PeyloW
@PeyloW, How does userSelectedColor describe "what kind of color it is" better than getUserSelectedColor? Knowing that without the get prefix, it's the exact same thing. I personally don't understand why Apple recommends not to use the get prefix. I use it in some cases for easier autocomplete, and to avoid possible clashes with private APIs. For example, I have a category on UIColor and I can easily type [UIColor get and see a list of all my methods. And if I want a dark red color, darkRedColor would cause problems if Apple decides to add it too, but getDarkRedColor wouldn't.Iulian Onofrei

10 Answers


The reason for the crash when accessing SelectedColor.CGColor could be that you do not retain the result from getColor, perhaps what you need is:

SelectedColor = [[(ColorPickerView *)alertView getColor] retain];

You can only get the RGB color component from a UIColor that is using the RGB color space, since you are using colorWithRed:green:blue:alpha: that is not a problem, but be vary of this if your code changes.

With this is mind getting the color components is really easy:

const CGFloat* components = CGColorGetComponents(SelectedColor.CGColor);
NSLog(@"Red: %f", components[0]);
NSLog(@"Green: %f", components[1]); 
NSLog(@"Blue: %f", components[2]);
NSLog(@"Alpha: %f", CGColorGetAlpha(SelectedColor.CGColor));

This solution works for non-RGB colours as well e.g. black or white color.

UIColor *color = [UIColor blackColor];
CGFloat red = 0.0, green = 0.0, blue = 0.0, alpha = 0.0;
// iOS 5
if ([color respondsToSelector:@selector(getRed:green:blue:alpha:)]) {
     [color getRed:&red green:&green blue:&blue alpha:&alpha];
} else {
     // < iOS 5
     const CGFloat *components = CGColorGetComponents(color.CGColor);
     red = components[0];
     green = components[1];
     blue = components[2];
     alpha = components[3];

// This is a non-RGB color
if(CGColorGetNumberOfComponents(color.CGColor) == 2) {
    CGFloat hue;
    CGFloat saturation;
    CGFloat brightness;
    [color getHue:&hue saturation:&saturation brightness:&brightness alpha:&alpha];


There is a Swift extension for that :)

extension UIColor {

    var rgba: (red: CGFloat, green: CGFloat, blue: CGFloat, alpha: CGFloat) {
        var red: CGFloat = 0.0
        var green: CGFloat = 0.0
        var blue: CGFloat = 0.0
        var alpha: CGFloat = 0.0
        getRed(&red, green: &green, blue: &blue, alpha: &alpha)

        return (red: red, green: green, blue: blue, alpha: alpha)

    var redComponent: CGFloat {
        var red: CGFloat = 0.0
        getRed(&red, green: nil, blue: nil, alpha: nil)

        return red

    var greenComponent: CGFloat {
        var green: CGFloat = 0.0
        getRed(nil, green: &green, blue: nil, alpha: nil)

        return green

    var blueComponent: CGFloat {
        var blue: CGFloat = 0.0
        getRed(nil, green: nil, blue: &blue, alpha: nil)

        return blue

    var alphaComponent: CGFloat {
        var alpha: CGFloat = 0.0
        getRed(nil, green: nil, blue: nil, alpha: &alpha)

        return alpha

It is compatible with Swift 4.2 and also works with 2 components colors like black, gray, etc. You can access a specific canal like so :


Or, its equivalent :


In most cases this will work, unless the conversion to RGB doesn't work.

float red, green, blue, alpha;
BOOL conversionToRGBWentOk = [color getRed:&red green:&green blue:&blue alpha:&alpha];

That's what these methods are for, in fact. If the conversionToRGBWentOk is NO you'll have a problem, though.


I think you should have a a look here, where Ars' guide shows how to extend the UIColor class with support for accessing the color components.


you just simple doing this

CGFloat red,green,blue,alpha;

[UIColorobject getRed:&red green:&green blue:&blue alpha:&alpha];

in red,green,blue and alpha you get rgb value if you have any question please ask...



This snippet of code should work with both RGB and grayscale:

CGFloat *components = (CGFloat *) CGColorGetComponents(<UIColor instance>.CGColor);
if(CGColorGetNumberOfComponents(<UIColor instance>.CGColor) == 2)
  //assuming it is grayscale - copy the first value
  components[2] = components[1] = components[0];

I think this would be a way to go. If you need to use alpha parameter as well, you can interpolate alpha from input like you do for R G and B.

- (UIColor *)getColorBetweenColor:(UIColor *)color1 andColor:(UIColor *)color2 percentage:(CGFloat)percent {
    CGFloat red1, green1, blue1, alpha1;
    CGFloat red2, green2, blue2, alpha2;

    [color1 getRed:&red1 green:&green1 blue:&blue1 alpha:&alpha1];
    [color2 getRed:&red2 green:&green2 blue:&blue2 alpha:&alpha2];

    double resultRed = red1 + percent * (red2 - red1);
    double resultGreen = green1 + percent * (green2 - green1);
    double resultBlue = blue1 + percent * (blue2 - blue1);

    return [UIColor colorWithRed:resultRed green:resultGreen blue:resultBlue alpha:1];

Just add the property ColorLiteral as shown in the example. Xcode will prompt you with a whole list of colors which you can choose.

self.view.backgroundColor = ColorLiteral 

Here are some useful macros I've made for this and other color controls:

In your case you would just use

getRGBA(myColor, red, green, blue, alpha);

NSLog(@"Red Value: %f", red);
NSLog(@"Blue Value: %f", green);
NSLog(@"Green Value: %f", blue);


#define rgba(r,g,b,a) [UIColor colorWithRed:((float)(r))/255.0f green:((float)(g))/255.0f blue:((float)(b))/255.0f alpha:a]
#define rgb(r,g,b) rgba(r, g, b, 1.0f)

#define rgbaf(r,g,b,a) [UIColor colorWithRed:(r) green:(g) blue:(b) alpha:a]
#define rgbf(r,g,b) rgbaf(r, g, b, 1.0f)

#define rgba_fromColor(__color, __r, __g, __b, __a) \
CGFloat __r, __g, __b, __a;\
UIColor *__unpackedColor = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:[NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:__color]];/*Bring system colors into compatible color-space (e.g. DarkGrayColor)*/\
[__unpackedColor getRed:&__r green:&__g blue:&__b alpha:&__a];
#define getRGBA(__color, __r, __g, __b, __a) rgba_fromColor(__color, __r, __g, __b, __a)

#define getRed(__color)  (\
(^float (void){\
rgba_fromColor(__color, r, g, b, a);\
return r;\

#define getGreen(__color)  (\
(^float (void){\
rgba_fromColor(__color, r, g, b, a);\
return g;\

#define getBlue(__color)  (\
(^float (void){\
rgba_fromColor(__color, r, g, b, a);\
return b;\

#define getAlpha(__color)  (\
(^float (void){\
rgba_fromColor(__color, r, g, b, a);\
return a;\

#define hsba(h,s,b,a) [UIColor colorWithHue:((float)(h))/360.0f saturation:((float)(s))/100.0f brightness:((float)(b))/100.0f alpha:a]
#define hsb(h,s,b) hsba(h, s, b, 1.0f)

#define hsbaf(h,s,b,a) [UIColor colorWithHue:(h) saturation:(s) brightness:(b) alpha:a]
#define hsbf(h,s,b) rgbaf(h, s, b, 1.0f)

#define hsba_fromColor(__color, __h, __s, __b, __a) \
CGFloat __h, __s, __b, __a;\
UIColor *__unpackedColor = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:[NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:__color]];/*Bring system colors into compatible color-space (e.g. DarkGrayColor)*/\
[__unpackedColor getHue:&__h saturation:&__s brightness:&__b alpha:&__a];
#define getHSBA(__color, __h, __s, __b, __a) hsba_fromColor(__color, __h, __s, __b, __a)

#define getHue(__color)  (\
(^float (void){\
hsba_fromColor(__color, h, s, b, a);\
return h;\

#define getSaturation(__color)  (\
(^float (void){\
hsba_fromColor(__color, h, s, b, a);\
return s;\

#define getBrightness(__color)  (\
(^float (void){\
hsba_fromColor(__color, h, s, b, a);\
return b;\

///already defined in RGBA macros
#define getAlpha(__color)  (\
(^float (void){\
hsba_fromColor(__color, h, s, b, a);\
return a;\