I'm using PHP (CodeIgniter framework).
The project I'm working on will let users upload videos to server. It is required that the video is also uploaded to Youtube under a specific account (the site's). I'm aware that this is not the recommended practice but it's the ideal way to go since most of the users don't have gmail account.
I've been reading Youtube's documentation, but got confused real quick. Can anyone explain the step-by-step to achieve what I want to do? From what I'm thinking, I need a long-lived access token for my site and when user finishes uploading, I will call Youtube API with this long-lived access token to upload it to my site's Youtube channel. But I don't know whether Youtube API supports this or not.
I've found this library : CI Youtube Library but from what I read, this library also requires my web user to log in with their Youtube account, so I guess it's not what I'm looking for.
Thanks for the help!