
I have a Kinect for Windows and I would like to connect it to my Mac laptop with OSX 10.7.5.

I would like to use openNI as the driver.

OpenNI's website lists "OpenNI 2.1 Beta (OS X)" however the source-code page does not list install instructions. Are they found someplace else?

There are install instructions on the OpenNI 1.x github page and on OpenNI 1.x Unstable branch page. The instructions for the two branches are slightly different, however neither have worked for me.

I originally had XCode 4.6 installed. Both instructions state they want XCode 4.3.2, which I installed, renamed XCode 4.6 and used "sudo xcode-select -switch" to switch between them.

Both instructions ask for "libusb-devel +universal" and in both cases I get:

Error: Please do not install this port since it has been replaced by 'libusb'.
Error: org.macports.configure for port libusb-devel returned: 
Please see the log file for port libusb-devel for details:
Error: Processing of port libusb-devel failed

If I continue with the installation of "libusb +universal" instead, then the rest of the dependencies install fine (though I had to install GraphViz before Doxygen).

But then when I run: "./RedistMaker" I get a lot of warnings, though it does create a Final file. "sudo ./install.sh" runs fine and I'm guessing OpenNI is installed, but then I get a bunch more errors when trying to install Sensor.

Can anyone help tell where along the way should I have started to worry? Do I need to manually install libusb (which I have tried to do)?

Any help appreciated!

Through the libfreenect mailing list, I found these two discussions about Kinect for Windows support {1} and {2}BishopZ
I bought a Kinect for Xbox and OpenNI works fine with that.BishopZ

1 Answers


I fixed the installation of OpenNI by running these instructions:

> sudo rm -f /opt/local/lib/libusb-1.0.0.dylib
> sudo port clean libusb
> sudo port install libusb +universal

Basically the Mac install instructions need to be updated and should include a warning that the short install may leave files around that will need to be deleted before installing with port.