I'm using jBPM 5.4 with MsSql.
It is working fine.
I have simple workflow from START ----> TASK A ----------> TASK B --------> STOP
I'm trying to access such an workflow from Servlets
When i execute such an workflow, i'm able to forward till the Starting of Task B.
onExit of TASK B isnt called.
Hence the workflow isn't reaching the Completed status but the task table is updated to completed status also no exception is logged.
This is my server log,
[stdout] (http-localhost- ****** Creating EMF
[stdout] (http-localhost- ****** Creating env
[stdout] (http-localhost- ****** Reading Properties
[stdout] (http-localhost- ****** config section
[stdout] (http-localhost- OnEntrying the First Task ***
[stdout] (http-localhost- Started Process Output 14
[stdout] (http-localhost- Completed Process Output 14
[stdout] (Thread-73) OnExiting the First Task ***
[stdout] (Thread-73) OnEntrying the Second Task ***
[stdout] (http-localhost- Started Process Output 15
[stdout] (http-localhost- Completed Process Output 15