I am coding a basic combinational circuit in VHDL, which has an AND gate with two inputs a and b. The output of this "t" is OR'ed with a negated input "c". This output "s" is then NAND with "a" to give the final output "d".
Here's the code.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity logicgate is
port(a,b,c: in std_logic;
d: out std_logic);
end logicgate;
architecture arch_logicgate of logicgate is
signal s: std_logic;
signal t: std_logic;
t<= a and b;
s<= (not c) or t;
d<= a nand s;
end arch_logicgate;
-- Compiling architecture arch_logicgate of logicgate # ** Error: C:/Modeltech_pe_edu_10.1d/examples/logicgate.vhdl(12): near "signal": syntax error # ** Error: C:/Modeltech_pe_edu_10.1d/examples/logicgate.vhdl(14): (vcom-1136) Unknown identifier "s". # # ** Error: C:/Modeltech_pe_edu_10.1d/examples/logicgate.vhdl(14): Type error resolving infix expression "nand" as type ieee.std_logic_1164.STD_LOGIC. # ** Error: C:/Modeltech_pe_edu_10.1d/examples/logicgate.vhdl(15): VHDL Compiler exiting
I know I am missing out on the basics. Please help me out.