Trying to do conditional formatting in excel and it seems a little tricky for my data.
I have 654 dates. 654 rows/entries.
I need to use three colors:
Green - Make the cells green that are within 10 MONTHS OF TODAY'S DATE
Yellow - Make the cells yellow that are within 10 TO 12 MONTHS OF TODAY'S DATE
RED - Make the cells red that more than 12 MONTHS away from today's date OR do not have any data in the cell
I know this isn't correct but I feel like I'm on the right track:
red=($G$428:$G$655<=TODAY() + 365)
how would I accommodate blank cells in this formula?
yellow=($G$3:$G$427<=TODAY() + 300 to 365)
How would you correctly specify 'between 10 and 12 months'?
green=($G$3:$G$427<=TODAY() + 300)
Any input is appreciated.