I'm hosting a WPF usercontrol in a windows form In the wpf user control I am using a timepicker from wpfToolkit.extended
If I use the up or downkeys or just enter a time in the textfield the source is not updated allthough I am using Updatesourcetrigger = propertychanged.
When I select a time in the dropdrownlist everything works the way it should. This is the namespace of the toolkit.
This is the xaml for the timepicker
<xctk:TimePicker Format="LongTime" TimeInterval="00:15:00.000" Value="{Binding Path=StartTime, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" ></xctk:TimePicker>
If I click outside the WPFusercontrol without changing the focus to another control in the wpf usercontrol first. The Binded time is not updated.
Any idea how I can fix this?