For compatibility with older PowerShell versions you might consider this cmdlet:
Function Order-Keys {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)][HashTable]$HashTable,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)][ScriptBlock]$Function,
$Keys = $HashTable.Keys | ForEach {$_} # Copy HashTable + KeyCollection
For ($i = 0; $i -lt $Keys.Count - 1; $i++) {
For ($j = $i + 1; $j -lt $Keys.Count; $j++) {
$a = $Keys[$i]
$b = $Keys[$j]
If ($Function -is "ScriptBlock") {
$a = $HashTable[$a] | ForEach $Function
$b = $HashTable[$b] | ForEach $Function
If ($Descending) {
$Swap = $a -lt $b
$Swap = $a -gt $b
If ($Swap) {
$Keys[$i], $Keys[$j] = $Keys[$j], $Keys[$i]
Return $Keys
This cmdlet returns a list of keys ordered by the function definition:
Sort by name:
$HashTable | Order-Keys | ForEach {Write-Host $_ $HashTable[$_]}
Germany Berlin
Italy Rome
Spain Madrid
Switzerland Bern
Sort by value:
$HashTable | Order-Keys {$_} | ForEach {Write-Host $_ $HashTable[$_]}
Germany Berlin
Switzerland Bern
Spain Madrid
Italy Rome
You might also consider to nest hash tables:
$HashTable = @{
Switzerland = @{Order = 1; Capital = "Berne"}
Germany = @{Order = 2; Capital = "Berlin"}
Spain = @{Order = 3; Capital = "Madrid"}
Italy = @{Order = 4; Capital = "Rome"}
E.g. sort by (hashed) order property and return the key (country):
$HashTable | Order-Keys {$_.Order} | ForEach {$_}
Or sort (descending) by the predefined capital:
$HashTable | Order-Keys {$_.Capital} -Descending | ForEach {$_}