I have a domain model architecture in which my domain/business objects were created based on the problem domain and independent of any knowledge of the physical data model or persistence structures. So far I'm on track because it's perfectly acceptable and often the case that there is an impedance mismatch between the domain model and the data model. A DBA created the database for getting the data they required, but it does not encapsulate the applications entire domain model or design.
The result - I have my own set of domain model objects. However all of the fields that need to be persisted do exist somewhere or another within my domain model, but not necessarily in the shape that my auto generated .edmx POCO entities have them. So I have all the data, it's just not in the perfect shape exactly like the tables in which auto generated POCO entities are created from.
I have seen a few posts on this topic like converting POCO entity to business entity and Entity Framework 4 with Existing Domain Model that make statements like the following:
"Create the entities in your entity data model with the same names as your domain classes. The entity properties should also have the same names and types as in the domain classes"
What!? No way, why should I have to make my domain model be reshaped to POCOs that are modeled exactly after the data model / table structure in the database? For example - in my case of having 5 given properties, 2 might be in class 'A' and 3 in class 'B', whereas a auto generated POCO class has all 5 in its own class 'A'.
This is the entire point, I want separation of my object model and data model but yet still use an ORM like EF 5.0 to map in between them. I do not want to have to create and shape classes and properties named as such in the data model.
Right now my .edmx in EF 5.0 is generating the POCO classes for me, but my question is how to dissolve these and rewire everything to my domain objects that contain all this data but just in a different shape?
By the way any solution proposed using a Code First approach is not an option so please do not offer this. I need some guidance or a tutorial (best) using EF5 (if possible because EF4 examples are always inheriting POCOs from ObjectContext) with wiring up my own business objects to the .edmx.
Any help or guidance is appreciated, thanks!