
I'm very new to cucumber/capybara/ruby, trying BDD on a php-built website.

Checking on:

Different links directs a user to the correct page on : "prod-integration-mycompany.com"


on this page I've got some unique links(around 20 to 50) and the links look something like,

<a href= " /edition/123456"> BookTitle 01 by <a class="author" title= "Dan Romio" href=" >/author/Dan+Romio/112212">Dan Romio</a>'

<a href= " /edition/654321"> BookTitle 02 by <a class="author" title= "Maggi Smith" href=" >/author/Maggi+Smith/11332">Maggi Smith</a>

<a href= " /edition/56232"> BookTitle 03 by <a class="author" title= "Dan Romio" href=" >/author/Dan+Romio/112212">Dan Romio</a>

What I want to check:

I want to check when a user clicks on an edition link, the of that page matches BookTittle. I can do it one by one on my steps

   When ……
       within(:css, 'dd[@id = "(css ID here)"]') do
      click_on '' or click_link (name of the link)

   Then ………|text|

on env.rb, I've got some functions like "check_destination()" and different asserts:

      def check_destination(paramText)
      new_window = page.driver.browser.window_handles.last
      page.within_window new_window do
            path = URI.parse(current_url)

So ? What's the problem ?:

Problem is when I wanna do a whole bunch of them, I don't know how I'm gonna use array's key=> value and loop through them on my steps. Is it Table, is it class, I kind of running out of concept/ideas here…any idea ? link ? And btw sorry if I waste your time. Thanks.

Is there actually value in checking each of those links (ie if one of those links works, what is the likelihood that one of the other links breaks)?Justin Ko
@JustinKo: it might be a case of edition id does/does not exist or even if it's exist might be a redis(cache) issue. I wouldn't say a great value in checking those links, but I can use the same logic in different situation. Thanks.RVM

1 Answers


I am so so dumb..... I could've just use page.all on node finders, using option will let me do whatever I wanna do. http://rubydoc.info/github/jnicklas/capybara/master/Capybara/Node/Finders

    within("within block here") do 
        element = page.all("specify the condition to get all the elements")
        puts element.count  # should provide no of elements

First element can be access by element[0]."some method here"

All the list of method can be found in: http://www.ruby-doc.org/gems/docs/c/capybara-rails-2-2-