
I'm trying to learn CakePHP for the first time (I usually just straight code PHP), and I'm starting with the 'official' Blog Tutorial they host: http://book.cakephp.org/1.3/en/The-Manual/Tutorials-Examples/Blog.html

So far, I've setup a virtual host (on OS X 10.8.2), and used CakePHP's default index page to make sure it's reading from the database correctly, the app/tmp folder is recursively writeable for Apache, etc.

I run into issues when I try to follow the blog right after the initial Posts View is setup, and it says you can now view the posts at (adjusting 'www.example.com' to my local ServerName) 'cakeblog/posts/index'. I'm pretty sure I'm having some kind of mod_rewrite issue, but I can't figure out what. My Apache error logs for whenever this happens are:

[Thu Feb 14 09:18:10 2013] [error] [client] File does not exist: /Users/bailey/Sites/cakeblog/posts

[Thu Feb 14 09:18:10 2013] [error] [client] File does not exist: /Users/bailey/Sites/cakeblog/favicon.ico

I know the favicon exists in my webroot folder at /Users/bailey/Sites/cascade/extranet-cake/app/webroot. If I'm understanding the routing right, cakeblog/posts/index should be the controller for Post PostsController, and /index should be the action/method in PostsController "index()". So it seems to not be recognizing the Controller?

The code I have setup following the blog tutorial is:



        Model: represents a data model (object).
            Examples -> a blog, a post, a comment on a post
    class Post extends AppModel




        Plays with Posts Model and gets work done.

        - function "foo()" means that the function is accessed by
            going to DOMAIN/posts/foo
    class PostsController extends AppController
        public $helpers = array('Html', 'Form');

        // An action!
            // www.example.com/posts/index => listing of all posts
            Sets the view variable called ‘posts’ equal to the return 
            value of the find('all') method of the Post model.
        public function index()
            $this->set('posts', $this->Post->find('all'));



<!-- /app/View/Posts/index.ctp -->

    <h2> Blog Posts </h2>
            <th> ID </th>
            <th> Title </th>
            <th> Date Created </th>
        <!-- Output the actual posts -->
            foreach ($posts as $post)
                /* Data ~ $post[ModelName][VariableName] */
                $id = $post['Post']['id'];
                    "$this->Html" ~ a Helper
                        link() generates an HTML link with given title and URL
                $titleLink = 
                                        array('controller' => 'posts', 'action' => 'view', $post['Post']['id']));

                $dateCreated = $post['Post']['created'];

                $out = "<tr>

                echo $out;


This is the first time I've really seen CakePHP and I can't find solutions in any of the other posts, except circumstantial reasons to suspect a mod_rewrite issue. Anyone have ideas on what I'm missing? I can post my httpd.conf file, too, upon request.

Instead of using app/View/Posts/index.ctp, try using app/views/posts/index.ctp Instead of using app/Controller/PostsController.php, try using app/controllers/posts_controller.php Instead of using app/Model/Post.php, try using app/models/post.php Not sure if this is your problem, but CakePHP is case sensitive in most default setups.quadium32
Good idea, but no dice. :/ None of the renames had any effect, but I'll definitely keep in mind that Cake is case sensitive. I did not know that.Mister R2
If cake is running in a subfolder of your domain, like www.example.com/cakeblog, you'll need to add RewriteBase cakeblog/ to the .htaccess file under webroot.jeremyharris
About the renaming of files, if you are using cake 2.0 or newer the folder structure is like app/View/Posts/index.ctp. In 1.3 and earlier it is like app/view/posts/index.ctp.jimiyash
Are you sure your website folder contains the .htaccess files needed for the URL rewrite?Alvaro

1 Answers



Stupid mistake -- it turns out I was using a subfolder other than app/webroot as a webroot. Once I changed this it worked fine.

An alternative if I wanted to use a webroot different from the default was given by JeremyHarris in the comments above and supported in the CakePHP docs:


Thanks for the help, everyone!