
I found ACS Management Service API Reference at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/hh278947.aspx.

I feel this is not as similar to Windows Azure Service Management REST API Reference. Except metadata I could not pull over the remaining information.

Any better samples explaining this.

Else is it possible to directly list out the ACS namespaces based on Subscription ID.

In deep trouble please help on...

This is how Im trying to pull the data

string hittingUri = "https://{0}.accesscontrol.windows.net/v2/mgmt/service/importFederationMetadata/importIdentityProvider";

       hittingUri=String.Format(hittingUri, acsnamespace);

        XmlDocument responsebody =await HelperMethods.GetXmlACSDocument(hittingUri);

1 Answers


So it looks like you're trying to create a new identity provider by importing the federation metadata. There is a managed library available on code.msdn.com which you can use to interact with the ACS Service management API: ACS.Management. Here is an example of this library which imports the federation metadata from a file:

        ManagementService svc = ManagementServiceHelper.CreateManagementServiceClient(); 
        using (Stream metadataFileStream = new FileStream(fedMetadataFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) 

I suggest you take a look at this library first.