I've had the time to continue working on my flash site. I already have the entire layout built in Flash.
My site is built using timeline control scripts (AS3).
Because I couldn't figure out how to make a scrolling gallery (I've looked everywhere and still do not understand), I proceeded to buy one on Activeden so I not only can use it, but could see how its done and learn from it. But the .fla file of the gallery is in AS2. The .swf is "self-contained" so Actionscript versions don't matter right?
The gallery is XML based.
I used this AS3 "loader" to load the .swf into my flash site.
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
myLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, showMySWF);
function showMySWF(e:Event):void {
myLoader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, showMySWF);
myLoader.load(new URLRequest( "xmlgallery.swf" ));
All the images and assets are in the same folder as my flash site.
But all I see is an empty gallery
If I play the xmlgallery.swf file itself, all the images are there, but when I use the Loader to load it into my webpage, all the images are not. In other words, the gallery design itself is completely functional, but I just cannot see the thumbnails and images on it unless I test the xml gallery's own standalone swf file. When I test my own flash site with the gallery loaded in, I see no photos; when I upload to a web server- nothing either and I tried 2 web servers.
The strangest thing is that the title and caption/image description information display and that information is located in the same XML file. So I'm thinking that flash has problems getting into those image folders even though it is all there in the same directory.