I've got a pretty simple problem whose solution turns out not to be that simple at all.
I want to add images in front of each option of a selectfield
. To be more accurate, I want to add images to the picker
it triggers, and also to the selectfield's current value.
For the sake of simplicity, I'll create a little example:
Let's say, you want a user to choose between one of the four playing card suits Diamonds, Hearts, Spades and Clubs. To support visual recognition, you want to prepend the corresponding symbol to each suit name, so it could look something like this:
My first choice of a sencha touch component, that enables selecting from a given set of options naturally was selectfield
. Unfortunately, it only seems to be able to display pure text, and nothing more. After digging into the sencha touch sources, I finally came up with half a solution. Basically, I pass the selectfield
a custom defaultPhonePickerConfig
, in which the corresponding picker
(that is used by the selectfield
to display the options) gets assigned a custom itemTpl
. The itemTpl
does the rest, namely adding some html to display the image:
defaultPhonePickerConfig: {
listeners: {
initialize: function() {
var slots = this.query('pickerslot');
Ext.each(slots, function(slot) {
slot.setItemTpl('<img src="someImage.jpg"> {text}');
change: function() {
// reconstruct the selectfield's change handler,
// since it gets overwritten
var iconSelect = Ext.Viewport.query('#IconSelect')[0];
iconSelect.onPickerChange.apply(iconSelect, arguments);
A working fiddle for this solution can be found here.
My solution isn't that bad, but there's a slight cosmetical problem, that's just not acceptable to me: The icons are only displayed in the picker
(lower part of the screenshot above), but not the selectfield
itself (upper, grayed out part) when the option was selected. And there seems to be no good way to add an icon to the selectfield's current value aswell.
And that's the main concern of my question: What good way is there to add an icon to both the picker's options and also to the selecfield's current value? Do I maybe just have to add relatively little code to my existing solution or should I take a whole nother approach?
Every contribution is appreciated. Thank you!
After some hacking around, I found a way (an ugly one) to prepend an icon to the selectfield
itself. It is mostly based on brutal HTML DOM manipulation: I now also define event handlers for the selectfield
itself (change
and painted
). On initialization and every time the value is changed, my handlers search the generated DOM for the underlying <input>
and mess around with it. (That bad boy is probably the reason why we can't assign HTML in the first place, since the framework changes its value
attribute. And value
on the other hand can only contain plain text.)
This is how I define the selectfield
's listeners
listeners: {
change: function () {
var pickerDOM = document.querySelector('#' + this.getId() + ' input[name="picker"]');
PickerIcons.app.prependIconToSelectfield(arguments[1], pickerDOM);
painted: function () {
// Initialize an icon on creation
var pickerDOM = document.querySelector('#' + this.getId() + ' input[name="picker"]');
PickerIcons.app.prependIconToSelectfield(this.getValue(), pickerDOM);
The corresponding function prependIconToSelectfield()
just defines some CSS:
prependIconToSelectfield: function (optValue, domElement) {
var iconUrl = this.getIconUrl(optValue);
domElement.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + iconUrl + ')';
domElement.style.backgroundSize = '20px 20px';
domElement.style.backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat';
domElement.style.backgroundPosition = 'left center';
domElement.style.paddingLeft = '30px';
Check out this fiddle for a working example.
This is still no good solution to me, since doing this kind of hackish DOM manipulation is way too rogue for my taste. I don't know what the side effects of actively messing around in the DOM could be in bigger projects, and don't want to learn it the hard way. So, I'm still looking for a cleaner solution.