
I succesfully imported an RSAkeyProvider from production to local machine. Then I tried to decrypt the connectionstring, but I am getting following error..

C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -pdf "connectionStrings" D:\ Decrypting configuration section... Failed to decrypt using provider 'RsaProtectedConfigurationProvider'. Error mess age from the provider: Not enough storage is available to process this command. (D:\web.config line 9)

Not enough storage is available to process this command.


Please help, I am tried googling all day but found no solution

Are both production and your local machine bit using iis 7.5 ? and are they both 32/64 bit ?Symeon Breen
Did you try to run the command as administrator?jlvaquero
Also check if you have this error in Widows System Event log: Event ID : XXXX Source : XXX Description: The Server's configuration parameter "IRPStackSize" is too small for the server to use a local device. Please increase the value of this parameter.jlvaquero
I ran that command as admin.. I am no longer with that company to try it. Thanks for the udpate, will try if the issue comes up in my future :)mahesh reddy

1 Answers


According to this link, your code should be like this

aspnet_regiis -pd "connectionStrings" -app "/SampleApplication"

I noticed you used a -pdf instead of a -pd