I'm having a strange problem with making a bucket on google cloud storage open to the public (as a static website).
I created a bucket called fixparser.targetcompid.com. I followed google's procedure of adding an identifying html file to my existing host.
I am able to copy my htmls/css/js/etc. into the bucket and even view the index.html page when I provide the full url: http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/fixparser.targetcompid.com/index.html
However, I can't get the index file if I only provide the general website address: http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/fixparser.targetcompid.com
Following is what I see when I set MainPageSuffix and NotFoundPage:
$ ./gsutil setwebcfg -m index.html -e 404.html gs://fixparser.targetcompid.com
Setting website config on gs://fixparser.targetcompid.com/...
$ ./gsutil setwebcfg -m index.html -e 404.html gs://fixparser.targetcompidxxxx.com
Setting website config on gs://fixparser.targetcompidxxxx.com/...
GSResponseError: status=404, code=NoSuchBucket, reason=Not Found.
$ ./gsutil getwebcfg gs://fixparser.targetcompid.com
Getting website config on gs://fixparser.targetcompid.com/...
(I don't know how else to format this xml snippet)