Output buffering in PHP is fun. It simplifies many things. I use ob_start() at the top of the script and ob_get_clean() (or any other function) at the bottom.
Between those two calls is it possible to call those functions again, without interfering the parent calls.
Is this type of code valid ? (it works fine, but...) Is this a good habit ?
ob_start(); //NOTICE !!!
echo '<p>echos of the top of the script</p>';
echo GetSomeOtherData(true);
echo '<p>echos after GetSomeOtherData()</p>';
$data = ob_get_clean(); //NOTICE !!!
echo $data;
//just a function to return something, with the help of output buffering
function GetSomeOtherData($toReturn)
ob_start(); //NOTICE !!!
echo '<p>This has been rendered inside a function</p>';
$function_data = ob_get_clean(); //NOTICE !!!
return $function_data;
//may be an error | return something else
return '<p>An Error</p>';