While backbone-deep-model has AMD support for use with RequireJS, it depends on an underscore mixin in an external file called underscore.mixin.deepExtend.js that is not AMD compatible.
Looking at this question: How to mixin Underscore plugins in RequireJS?, it seems that I can manually mixin deepExtend into Underscore within the shim init setting in RequireJS.
shim: {
'deep-model': {
deps: 'underscore',
init: function() {
_.mixin(/* hash of deepExtend functions */);
return _;
However, I am stuck at what to do at this point since underscore.mixin.deepExtend does not return a hash of functions that _.mixin() requires.
Is there a way to load backbone-deep-model with RequireJS without modifying source code?
requirejs.config({ paths: { underscore: 'lib/underscore', backbone: 'lib/backbone', 'backbone-nested': 'lib/backbone-nested-v1.1.2.min', }, shim: { underscore: { exports: '_' }, backbone: { deps: ['underscore', 'jquery'], exports: 'Backbone' }, 'backbone-nested': { deps: ['backbone'], exports: 'Backbone' }, }, });
– unblevable