
Given that Facebook has just completed "Removing ability to post to friends walls via Graph API" posted at their roadmap completed changes page.

evidently due to some abuses


The recommended approach in the tutorial "Publish to Feed" posted at their developer site now restricts to posting to your own timeline with graphPath "me/feed".

This development obviates good approaches suggested by other stack overflow contributor's.

So that leaves Henry Zhang and others recommending the Feed Dialog with it's deprecated headers posted at


so Facebook tells you in "Step 2: Add the Backward Compatibility Headers"

Even their posted tutorial for Games uses the deprecated headers. However, the deprecated headers cannot be used in conjunction with new FacebookSDK.

Perhaps I am being stubborn to want to stick with the current SDK release, but has anyone succeeded posting to a friend's timeline from iOS importing only the FacebookSDK 3.1. I am really quite surprised that Facebook is recommending building apps with deprecated code, but I can't seem to find any other way to do this. The other parts of the 3.1 SDK work well and I don't want to toss the baby out with the water.

Been there, had the exact same thoughts. Eventually I used the deprecated headers. Very reluctant to do so but found no other way as of now.Stavash
@Stavash Thanks for the candor. I have authentication via session state changes, friend picker and profile picture all working in SDK 3.1. Are there good active links to implement this capability in the older SDK? I had tried isolating the feed dialog code into a separate object hoping to isolate the older SDK but of course even that introduces the duplicate protocol definitions. Thanks.Kurt Schmidt

1 Answers


On reading the summary information in the Facebook.h file, I have come to realize that it imports FacebookSDK.h which picks up the 3.1 SDK interfaces I had implemented. With that knowledge and some careful editing from the feed dialog example I now can send a message to a friend's timeline alongside the 3.1 elements. I still look forward to the next release and getting everything in one SDK. Thanks.